1982 BB (Before Beard)

Me with my long-gone Nikon FM, and the also long-gone 105mm, circa 1982. Over the years I owned three 105s.
Me with my long-gone Nikon FM, and the also long-gone 105mm, circa 1982. Over the years I owned three 105s.

So we are presently digging though lots of stuff that was in Mom’s house, including a large box of photographs. I recognize many of them as my own, but others are pictures of my parents shot by their friends. Even others are of people or places that mean nothing to me. As I searched through them all today, I came across an image I don’t recognize or remember, but which is clearly my own work: a self portrait at a light table, posing with my Nikon FM with the 105mm f/2.5 on it. It is printed on Ektamatic paper, so I made it at a newspaper. The background doesn’t ring any bells, but by elimination, I believe it must be at the Lawton Constitution, where I first interned in ’82 and ’83. My lack of facial hair reaffirms that, since I started the beard July 5, 1985, and have had it ever since.

Sidebar story: I grew the beard in the summer of 1985 after visiting a young lady for whom I had feelings, and who gave me a rather harsh brush-off. I was so down after that that I quit shaving, but ended up really liking the way it looked, so it worked out in the end.

Sidebar sidebar: that was the same summer when Negative Guy and I drank a bunch of tequila one night, with predictably disgusting results.