2012: The Year in Review for the Giant Muh

Here it is: the list without which you would feel incomplete.

  • In January, due to failing health, Dorothy Milligan, Abby’s first mother-in-law and our current de facto mother-in-law, was hospitalized for over a month, then moved to assisted living at Ada Baptist Village. Her home, at the other end of the pasture from our home, has remained vacant for the entire year. Dorothy and her late husband George built that house themselves in 1954.
  • February: Abby was hospitalized for a MRSA infection, then after being discharged became ill again with a kidney infection.
  • March: I ended my relationship with Facebook after a five year stint, citing a number of compelling reasons. Since then, my internet experience has become more focused and more enjoyable.
  • May/June: I embarked on one of my most productive and fun adventure vacations yet, Siren Song, a trip to the Maze District at Canyonlands National Park in Utah.
  • Also in June: I was awarded the Oklahoma Press Association’s Better Newspaper Contest award for first place in photography for 2012, the fourth such award in my career.
  • In July, Abby’s daughter Chele and her husband Tom, along with our grandson Paul, came to visit. Joining us were my sister Nicole and her husband Tracey.
  • October: Abby was again hospitalized for nephritis. While she was there, she suffered a fall in the middle of the night, severely bruising her face. One result of this was the we were not able to take our annual anniversary vacation.
  • October: I folded the entire contents of my angry rant blog, The Knowledgeum, into this blog.
  • November: Ralph Milligan, Dorothy’s middle son, died of leukemia.
  • Also in November: Long-time friend Ann Kelley died of breast cancer.
  • Thanksgiving: Tom and Chele were again able to visit, bringing grandson Paul, with whom we celebrated Christmas.
  • The Friday after Thanksgiving, Abby was again in the hospital, this time for six days, four in intensive care, for another urinary tract infection. Despite her illness, Abby returned to work after a few days at home.
  • By Christmas, a long-awaited winter storm arrived, a fitting end to the year.
Abby, lower left corner, prepares to photograph her family with an old Jeep named Elmer at the Shoffner Family Reunion in October.
Abby, lower left corner, prepares to photograph her family with an old Jeep named Elmer at the Shoffner Family Reunion in October.