Another Grey Morning

Abby's old rain chimes on the front porch this morning
Abby's old rain chimes on the front porch this morning

I am feeling a little blue today, despite the fact that it’s really grey out.

I know it’s at least somewhat due to the weather, which turned progressively colder and greyer as the weekend progressed. That, in turn, causes Abby’s rheumatoid arthritis to flare up, and when she hurts, I hurt by proxy.

I need to make myself a hot lunch, and motivate myself to perk up. Let’s see what’s in the pantry that’s not earmarked for Thanksgiving. Hmm. Creamed eels. Corn nog. Wadded beef. Okay, maybe lunch will have to wait.


  1. This is the last entry I can get to. When I click on the Raison entry I get some sort of http error. I tried it last night and came back just now to try again. Still can’t get past this entry.

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