More Monochrome

This afternoon got its light together at the last minute, as I walked Hawken, our Irish Wolfhound.

In color, it was certainly something. In monochrome, it was definitely something else.

Hawken hears a Who.
Hawken hears a Who.
Hawken explores the pond.
Hawken explores the pond.
Hawken's personality shows as he explores the first snowfall of his life.
Hawken’s personality shows as he explores the first snowfall of his life.
I lifted up a disk of ice that had formed in Hawken's water bucket.
I lifted up a disk of ice that had formed in Hawken’s water bucket.
Small icicles formed on the fence as snow melted and re-froze.
Small icicles formed on the fence as snow melted and re-froze.
The sun shines through a cedar.
The sun shines through a cedar.
Wheat grass stands in the pond, which is as full as it's ever been.
Wheat grass stands in the pond, which is as full as it’s ever been.
Puddles reflect the sky on my long walk with Hawken.
Puddles reflect the sky on my long walk with Hawken.

These images were shot entirely in monochrome capture mode, not shot in color and converted later.