I’ve won lots of awards over the years. Sometimes I think members of my profession have award-winning events and images thrust before them all the time.
My most recent award was one for just showing up, the Oklahoma Press Association’s Quarter Century Club award, given for 25 years of service at OPA members newspapers, presented to me in the middle of my 27th year in Ada. I started working at the Shawnee News-Star in 1985, so I’ve been in their system for 30 years, but they gave me this acknowledgment as soon as I applied for it.
A co-worker, Sports Editor Jeff Cali, got the same award, and posted it to his Facebook wall with the simple epithet, “Man I’m old.” I don’t believe it for a minute. I think both Jeff and I are still young enough and good enough to cover our beats for at least another 25 years.

Very, very cool, and congratulations.
I dunno about 25 MORE years lol. May go crazy before then.
Kudos Man.
In the light and pressure of many forces you have become one of your own.