I published this to social media recently and got almost no response. This might be due to the Christmas holiday, which is now over. If this interests you at all, I would urge you to share it on social media or create your own monochrome challenge on your web site. If you participate in PhotoLoco, don’t hesitate to post it there.
California-based Photographer Nic Coury recently acquired a Leica M246, a monochrome (black-and-white only) digital camera. He posted some images recently on social media, and they were very powerful, and perfect in black-and-white.
Thinking about this paradigm, I thought about how I sometimes like to shoot in monochrome mode to force myself to see things differently and take my photography outside its usual box.
Here is what I was able to conjure with my Minolta DiMage 7i in monochrome mode, on a recent short walk through the woods behind our home in Byng, Oklahoma…
Black and white is still my favorite, and these images are speak to me.
Magnificent, inspiring, etc., all the usual reactions, plus some I haven’t even thought of. Love the wheatgrass tips and the clarity slide action on that. Great choice. I wish I could purchase a few prints from you!
Black and white is still my favorite, and these images are speak to me.
Magnificent, inspiring, etc., all the usual reactions, plus some I haven’t even thought of. Love the wheatgrass tips and the clarity slide action on that. Great choice. I wish I could purchase a few prints from you!