I am reenergizing this after a dormancy period. Please consider participating. I had a lot of fun with these two new images…

It stared in 2000, on a trip called The Shooting Spree. Coming south out of Farmington, New Mexico, just after sunset, I saw the moon rising to my left. As I moved along, I saw a handsome peak ahead, Barber Peak, and stopped to photograph the moon rising behind it. At the time, I was mostly shooting black-and-white film, and didn’t have all that much experience with shooting the night sky in the desert. I made three exposures at about f/8, of 30 seconds, one minute, and 90 seconds. With the ISO 32 film I was using, all three frames ended up too thin (that’s filmspeak for underexposed or underdeveloped), and the best of them, made at 90 seconds, doesn’t print or scan very well.
I still thought it was a seminal moment, and, after some ponderance, decided to play around with it in Photoshop, and share it with a few friends and see what they could make of it. I got some interesting results.
My readers are welcome to download the full-size version by clicking on the thumbnail at left, then clicking that image to get to the full-sized file, then saving it to your hard drive. When you are done editing it, email the result to me at groups@richardbarron.net and I will post it here.
Here are the results of the first round of efforts, including a couple of my own, which were quite amusing. They might give you some ideas about what you’d like to do with this image…

Actually, your site popped up when I trying to find how to contact Jeff Dixon (of Lawton Constitution years ago). Wonderful photos and hints. I’m not a photog but when I move back to OK I’d enjoy taking your class. thanks for your website.
(Ms.) K.T. Morton