A Handful and an Eyeful

Monday night I finished up my first Intro to Digital Photography class for this fall at the Pontotoc Technology Center. The intro is really a beginner class, and is fullest right after Christmas, when lots of people have new cameras

Photo class Monday night. The woman in the middle is Kathy Ingram, a good friend of mine who is the yearbook advisor at Tupelo, Oklahoma, High School.
Photo class Monday night. The woman in the middle is Kathy Ingram, a good friend of mine who is the yearbook advisor at Tupelo, Oklahoma, High School.

that seem alarmingly complex to them. This class is mostly spent in the classroom, talking about white balance, ISO ratings, and battery life. In two weeks, we begin the Intermediate/Advanced session, and it consists mostly of going out into the evening light and shooting. We walk around the grounds of the vo-tech photographing everything from the pond to the fire training tower to each other, all the while paying attention to the light. The light, in the end, is the key to making photographs.

I hope I am giving these people, some of whom are my friends, what they need.