Sierra Has Died

Sierra looks pretty pitiful this morning before we took her to the vet.
Sierra looks pretty pitiful this morning before we took her to the vet.
Abby holds Sierra the Chihuahua in her arms on the way to Arlington Animal Clinic.
Abby holds Sierra the Chihuahua in her arms on the way to Arlington Animal Clinic.

Sierra the Chihuahua passed away today. She was 13.

A radiograph at the vet showed Sierra had the usual older Chihuahua heart murmur, and the physical indicated she had an infection.

She grew sicker as the day went by, with defined swelling in her neck.

I buried her by the Walnut tree.

In many ways, Sierra was Abby’s best friend, and Abby forms attachments to animals more that anyone I know. It’s difficult when we lose them (I have buried two goats and Abby’s previous Chihuahua, Gabby), but I have to say that it’s as worthwhile an endeavor as any. They give us so much love and genuine affection and ask only that we praise them, keep them warm, and feed them.

Sierra was feeling pretty sick yesterday, and today she died.
Sierra was feeling pretty sick yesterday, and today she died.


  1. We’re sorry about the loss, for both of you. I know you both cared for Sierra as you care for your other animals. It is a good thing you have Hawken now to kind of fill the void, and I appreciate your summary about dogs: they ask only for us to praise, feed and keep them warm. That’s about all that’s required.

    It’s a good reminder, too, that, as you say, it’s worth the effort, despite the inevitable pain, which does not last as long as the good memories and the feeling you get from taking care of a good pet. It is worthwhile, and the memories carry you forward.

  2. My Dear Beloved Friend:
    I know how bad this hurts. I have had to make that decision that it was time to let a pet go – and I’ve never had a pet die of its own accord – but I am so sorry, please tell Abby …
    On another note, in 2007, when I was over the web at UA, I learned that Zuckerberg had stolen code that did not belong to him to start facebook. I got off of it then. Since i am so isolated, Dane suggested I get back on and find the people that have loved me the longest, and you are one of those – I do have messenger on my mac, and you know my email ( – I’m afraid I’m going dark again, especially after its been confirmed that he is as corrupt as I had told Dane in 2007.
    My heart aches for you – I’ve been terribly ill, and when this story broke, I did not get back on FB. Please hug Abby, kiss her on the cheek, and tell her I believe our beloved dogs still walk with us, whether we see them or not. And they are just waiting.
    Been thinking of moving back home – maybe I could do some string writing from home in Ada, where people DO know me and DO know I have 2 AP awards under me. Haven’t decided, but I know I need support – emotional, and mental. Stace is still there and you are too –
    I love you both. I trust you most. Pam

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